Which Is the Best Loan Company in South Africa?

best loan company
The best loan company – South Africa

When you are looking for a personal loan to fill holes in your budget or to make emergency payments, you would want to deal with the most reliable loan company in South Africa.

The question is how to find it. There are some factors that will help you tell the best lenders from the average ones and from the loan sharks out there as well.

The ads that you see on TV and on the radio as well as in the newspapers can give you an idea about the loan companies in South Africa. However, you should not start dealing with a lender before you get to know more about the company and its products and services. It pays off to do your own research.

Pay attention to what kinds of loans are on offer

Small unsecured personal loans are among the most popular with South Africans. They are among the most flexible as well. Check the rating and reviews of the company and of its products as well. If a lot of people are happy with the loans and the service, then this lender must be a very good one.

You should certainly consider using the services of a loan company with great experience and traditions. If the company has granted hundreds of thousands of loans and has many satisfied customers, then it must be a lender that you can trust. You should take a look at the online website of the lender too. It is best if they have full information about their loans online. You should be able to see what interest and fees are charged for any loan amount and term. This will help you make the best choice.

It is important for the loan company to be perfectly honest as far as the interest rates and fees are concerned. You should be able to trust the lender fully. You should not worry that there may be hidden traps in the fine print.

Best loan company offers competitive interest rates and fees

It gives you various options as far as the loan amount and term are concerned. At the same time, you have to do the math to confirm that you will be able to repay the loan without hitches and delays. Make sure that you can set aside a sufficient chunk of your monthly income so that you can use it for repaying the loan.

Before you even start searching for a loan company, you should get as much information and advice on personal loans in South Africa. You should know how to compare different lenders and their products. You should be familiar with making an online loan application too.

Popular & reliable direct lenders offering Personal loans

  1. WesBank Personal loan


    • Loans up to R300,000
    • Term up to 6 years
    • Interest from 19.25%
  2. FNB Personal loan


    • Loans up to R360,000
    • Term up to 60 months
    • Interest from 16.25%
  3. Square Finance Personal loan

    Square Finance

    • Loans up to R3,000,000
    • Term up to 10 years
    • Interest from 5%
  4. FinChoice Personal loan


    • Loans up to R40,000
    • Term up to 24 months
    • Interest from 24%